CS Executive Live Video Classes Mock Tests & Books on LectureKart

ICSI CS Executive Classes Mock Tests & Books on LectureKart

Study From Professionals to Become a Professional

LectureKart offers complete CS Executive Online Classes along with Mock Tests and Books. CS Executive is an extremely important step in the ICSI CS exams after CSEET. Because this level prepares you for the advanced level subjects in CS Professional. These subjects lay foundation for your Professional Career as a Practicing Company Secretary. Therefore LectureKart features products only from Professionals and Subject Experts. So stop taking risk with your career. Choose our Expert Teachers as Your Mentors. Because nobody knows better than a Practicing Professional about the subject. In short, on LectureKart you get the Best from The Best across India.

CS Executive classes & tests


Apart from Classes, Mock Tests and Books required for preparation of CS Executive, a student should always be updated about latest news and articles. So LectureKart has a separate section for all the important news and updates for a CS Executive student. Our dedicated blog also featuers articles, tips and tricks from Leading Teachers across India.

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