On July 1st, 1949, an act of Parliament gave birth to the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). Founded a year before the Constitution of the country was formalized, the ICAI counts itself among the oldest professional institutions in the country. It is the second largest professional accounting and finance body in the world in terms of members, with a current roster of about 2.5 lakhs members.
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About Author
CS Aditi Pant
I am a Practicing Company Secretary with 12+ years of Professional Experience. I love teaching and its been more than 13 years since I taught my first student. I just love studying and I am a Gold Medalist in M.A. Economics, M.A. Political Science, M.A. English, M.A. history, B.Com, LL.B and still couting ;).
My students call me "The Ocean of Knowledge". I am subject expert in Sec Laws, JIGL and Economics.